Chemistry (Extracting Metals)

Extraction of Aluminium using Bauxite and electrolysis, Extraction of Iron using Hematite and blast furnace. Requirements for the reactions to take place.

Extraction of Metals

Extracting Iron​

From Text Books


Charge is added from the top of the furnace. It contains Iron Ore (Hematite), Limestone (CaCO3) and coke.

Reactions in Blast Furnace

Reactions in Blast Furnace

Here’s more about the reactions. Information of what is reduced and Oxidised and the type of reaction (Exothermic or Endothermic):

Extracting Aluminium

From Text Books

At the Cathode:
  • 4Al3+ + 12e➜ 4Al (Reduction)
At the Anode:
  • 6O2- ➜ 3O2 + 12e(Oxidation)
  • C + O2 ➜ CO2 (Oxidation of Carbon)
Overall Reaction:
  • 2Al2O3 ➜ 4Al + 3O2 (Overall Reaction)

Current Chapter: Extracting Metals


Reversible Reactions, Shifting the Equilibrium, The Haber Process and The Contact Process and their conditions.



Acids and Bases

Acids and Alkalis, Colour Changes in Indicators, Reactions of Acids and Bases, Acidic Oxides and Basic Oxides.

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