Computer Science (Automated and Emerging Technologies)

Automated Systems and how they work,​ What is Robotics and characteristics of a robot, About Expert Systems and Inference Engine. Characteristics of AI and how AI works. Types of Artificial intelligence.

Automated Systems

Automated Systems

From Past Papers

SSL is a (security) protocol (P1).  It encrypts any data that is

Sensor sends data/signal to microprocessor (P1). Data/Signal is converted from analogue data to digital data (using ADC) (P2). Then the value is compared to stored value(s) (P3). If value is outside range / matches, then microprocessor sends signal using DAC (P4)
to perform a task (P5). Actuator used to perform the task (P6). It is a continuous Process (P7).

sent (P2). It uses digital certificates (P3) which are sent to the user’s browser/ requested by the user’s browser (P4). Digital Certificates contain the website’s public key (P5) that can be used to authenticate the gallery (P6). Once the certificate is authenticated, the transaction will begin. (P7)

Advantages of using Automated Systems​

  • Faster than a human to take any necessary action.
  • Much safer (an automated system is more likely to make timely interventions than a human; it keeps humans away from a dangerous environment)
  • Any small changes needed can be identified very quickly and action taken.
  • No Need to do Repetitive Tasks

From Past Papers​

Disadvantages of using Automated Systems​

  • High set-up/installation costs – it would mean the company need to find a lot of money up front to pay
    for the equipment / employees will need training.
  • Deskilling of the workforce – workers will no longer have the skills for some of the manufacturing jobs
  • Automated systems always need enhanced maintenance, which can be expensive.

From Past Papers


Features of a Robot

  • It has a mechanical structure
  • It has electrical components.
  • It is programmable.

From Past Papers​

What is meant by Robotics

  • The design of robots (to perform tasks/operations/functions)
  • The construction of robots (to perform tasks/operations/functions)
  • The operation of robots (to perform tasks/operations/functions)

From Past Papers

Artificial Intelligence

Characteristics of AI

  • The ability to learn by adapting what it does (for example, from mistakes to not make them again) result from previous decisions impacts future by changing its own rules/data. By being trained.
  • Stores rules for using the data.
  • Ability to make a decision.
  • Find/analyse patterns.
  • The ability to reason.
  • Collects data.

From Past Papers​

How a Program would use AI

  • Use machine learning algorithms
  • Collects data about where it has been
  • Collect data about obstacles/problems
  • Store successful actions
  • Stores unsuccessful actions
  • Identify/store patterns… to make sure it does not repeat the same incorrect route …so, it knows how to react to obstacles next time so, it knows what is most likely to work next time

From Past Papers

Role of Inference Engine

The inference engine makes decisions by applying rules and logic to facts and knowledge, to provide a result or diagnosis.

From Past Papers​

How an expert system operates

  • It has an interface
  • used to input data/view output
  • It has a knowledge base
  • It has a rule base
  • It has an inference engine
  • Applies the rule base to/and the knowledge base to provide output/diagnosis/solution 
  • Decides what to ask next based on the input

From Past Papers​

Components in an expert system

  • rule base
  • knowledge base
  • user interface
  • inference engine

From Past Papers​

Current Chapter: Automated and Emerging Technologies

The Internet ​

Features of a browser, Retrieval, and location of Web Pages using DNS Servers, Cookies (features and examples), What is Digital Currency...



Algorithms and Programming

(Validation: range checks length checks, type checks, presence checks, format checks, check digits.) (Verification: Double entry, Screen/visual check.)

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